Life is full of surprises, and you being here reading my story is a winding path of a eight year dream that blossomed with hope, love and determination.
My name is Chloe, and I am the owner of Pretty Suds.
You can make your own unique path and it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get there, as long as you're smiling every step of the way. Do what you feel in your heart.
I established a little Etsy store a whole eight years ago, finding comfort in creating something that was making other people smile.
After exhausting my parent's garage (thank you mum and dad!) my spare room become my first HQ. Quickly, the master bedroom become the stockroom and before we knew it, we were moving onto our first business premises.
With help from Rotherham council, we moved into an old Victorian school building in Treeton. But again, we were growing so fast we used the school's old kitchen and three classrooms and it was time to move to our forever home on Barbott Hall, Parkgate.

Things started to get really exciting when I won three awards on the day of my graduation. I remember this moment fondly as I collected two rewards and within a blink of an eye I was collecting my degree. It finally felt like all the hard work had finally paid off!
I donated 1/3 of the cash award to Brain Cancer Research to in memory of my friend who'd passed away when I started the creating bath products. My fondest memory of him was his love for life, and it gave me motivation to seize the day!
The other 2/3 of the award I used to give the business the boost it needed to get started. Thank you to the businesses that sponsored the awards I received.
We began a bath bomb subscription box which is one of the biggest in the UK and we're constantly outdoing ourselves on them every month. When we finish the design work of the month's box you can find us beaming around the unit about our creations ready to go into the big production. They start as little drawings, expanded into 3D models, formed into moulds and then produced.

On a rainy afternoon in 2018, an email landed in our inbox from a lady called Lauren from Boots. To succeed in our first boots contract Christmas 2018, everyone and the postman come down to help achieve the order.
The products were so successful, we then supplied another year with an order five fold of the original order. We are so lucky to have been given such an amazing opportunity, but in our hearts we were losing our independent touch and made the brave decision to go back independent in 2020. Never in my wildest dreams would I ever imagine my creations to be in a high street store as big as Boots and we loved every minute of it!
Along the way we've supported so many good causes, I love to involve people in the shaping of the business. My favourite day was with this bunch of girlies in the photo above. We made some bath bombs eggs and at first, the girls learnt quickly the art of the pushing is something you've got to master. They were so patient and after two hours of determination they made a beautiful bunch of eggs to share with their friends and family. Such a warm fuzzy feeling moment!
The world is such a beautiful place when you open up your heart and mind. I'm so proud of what we've achieved, the phenomenal original products we've created and how lucky I am to share this with so many fans across the world.
Everything we've created has and still is from the grassroots and we're constantly learning with an open mind. Using local businesses, creative people and giving opportunities to blossom others in their dreams too.
If you believe in yourself, good things with come to you, I promise.

Over the years we've had over 100 people come down to HQ and get knee deep in bath bombs. We've been lucky to have a great family to support our huge projects financially, and amazing friends that dropped everything to see our dreams come to life. When things got tough, we could always count on our family and friends to help us through. The good times are extra special knowing that we are surrounded by an amazing support bubble. Thank you so much to everyone, you made the dream come true.